

Churches are a place that communicated many things and beauty of creation should one of them - whether that’s excitement upon entering the kids’ zone, reminder of stories and traditions a faith is built on, or making space for messages with a modern, peace-bearing aesthetic. You’ll see below, the designs we’ve created are as diverse as the churches we’ve created for!


Gateway CC Youth Rooms

Gateway Community Church youth rooms, Aldie, VA

These gathering spaces for middle school teens needed an update that reflected the vibrancy and youth of the kids who met there. The painted long wall in the first room adds so much energy and ties the room colors together with its segmented patterns and a fun vibe. The neighboring room got encircled in a lined color painted treatment designed by a student in the youth group. This project was part of other murals including a large “check-in desk” mural with reversible signage, magnetic walls with custom magnets and another large geometric mural in the room next to this one. 

Andrew Ferrin